This is Part 2 of my interview with Leah Tomaino. To read Part 1 click, HERE
Brian Sherwin: Tell us about your process in general. For example, do you work from nature, use reference photograph, or do you create your images in an intuitive manner?
Leah Tomaino: I do all three! I enjoy working outside during the summer months, however my camera is a very important tool to me. I take photographs as often as I have the opportunity and use my photos in my studio during the colder seasons. I start with brown grocery bags which I rip and adhere to canvas. I also paint additional bags, tear them, and then apply them to the canvas into the image of my subject.
BS: Leah, you studied at Cooper Union, William Paterson University, and abroad. Can you tell us about your academic background? Did you have any influential instructors?
LT: I studied painting during my years at The Cooper Union. I did have influential instructors, one in particular, Mr. Don Kunz. He was a painter and he also taught calligraphy. It was through the study of calligraphy that I learned of the serious discipline that is required in order to fulfill my artistic goals.

BS: What about influences in general?
LT: Asian art has always been a influence on my work. I also have been greatly influenced by the American artist, Selina Trieff. I met Selina while at Cooper, for she was the mother of my good friend. I was enthralled with her work and way of life. She has been the biggest artistic influence in my life.
BS: What are your thoughts concerning the internet and utilizing the World Wide Web in order to gain exposure for your art? In your opinion, why is it important for artists to embrace the internet?
LT: The internet has been an incredibly valuable tool for exposure. I have had many opportunities presented to me that otherwise would not have happened if not for the World Wide Web. One thing tends to lead to another. It is very important to get your work out there!
BS: Do you have any concerns about the art world at this time?
LT: I am mainly concerned about the economy at this time. I am concerned that funding for important art programs for children may be cut.
LT: Asian art has always been a influence on my work. I also have been greatly influenced by the American artist, Selina Trieff. I met Selina while at Cooper, for she was the mother of my good friend. I was enthralled with her work and way of life. She has been the biggest artistic influence in my life.
BS: What are your thoughts concerning the internet and utilizing the World Wide Web in order to gain exposure for your art? In your opinion, why is it important for artists to embrace the internet?
LT: The internet has been an incredibly valuable tool for exposure. I have had many opportunities presented to me that otherwise would not have happened if not for the World Wide Web. One thing tends to lead to another. It is very important to get your work out there!
BS: Do you have any concerns about the art world at this time?
LT: I am mainly concerned about the economy at this time. I am concerned that funding for important art programs for children may be cut.

BS: Finally, is there anything else you would like to say about your art?
LT: Only that I am currently looking for gallery representation! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
Take care, Stay true,
Brian Sherwin
Senior Editor
Myartspace Blog on Twitter
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