Mr. Ryden is best known for his surrealistic images that often obtain subject matter that are loaded with images of popular culture. Mr. Ryden forces us to ask questions about our society by placing symbols of our cultural familiarity into unsettling circumstances. These works often seem like a disturbing reflection of the 1950s Golden Books. They are a fine mix of innocence and brutality.
Mr. Ryden's work captures a sense of childlike honesty. However, the 'toy land' he creates is not one of 'shoots and ladders'... it is a place that questions the behavior of adults and society in general.

Mark Ryden: I don't seem to ever take a vacation! I simply switch modes. I am not painting right now but I am very busy taking care of business in other ways. Life is so busy for me right now and my career is very demanding. I have so many "Non-painting" things to do. Much of this work is related to my self-publishing.
BS: Mark, what are your artistic influences? Has anyone inspired you?
MR: When I was young and in high school I was inspired by Dali, Magritte, and Bosch. I suppose this is fairly typical of most artists of my age (I was born in 1963). I eventually really got into Rosenquist and the pop artists. Slowly my deepest passion emerged as I began to look at more an more classic art. I really love early Flemish art. Some of my favorite artists now are David, Ingres, Carpaccio, Balthus and Bougereau.

BS: Mark, what trends do you see in the 'art world'?
MR: A small group of elitist individuals decide what is valid and what is not. These people overly intellectualize and academicize the arts to maintain their sense of superiority. This is not a new problem.
BS: Do you have any 'studio rituals'? Little things that help you to 'get in the mood', so to speak?
MR: When painting I like to listen to music that helps me focus and relax. I like movie soundtracks like American Beauty, I like Debussy, Pink Martini, Combustible Edison, Dead Can Dance.

MR: I believe if you follow your heart and do what you love, success will follow. If you enchant yourself, others will be too.
BS: Mark, is there anything else you would like to say about your art or the current 'art world'?
MR: I suppose I would say that it is really great to see representational art given respect again. For the last 50 years or so an artist could hardly paint anything representational with out it being looked down upon by the "Art World". In this past century, art ran a course to an extreme of minimalism and conceptualism and now things seem to be more inclusive.

Solo Exhibition - March 10th - April 28th, 2007
Opening Saturday, March 10, 12pm-6pm
Michael Kohn Gallery
8071 Beverly Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90048
BS: Finally, where can we see more of your art?
MR: Just go to my website www.markryden.com or www.earlmcgrathgallery.com/galleryartists/ryden/
You can learn more about Mark Ryden by visiting his website-- www.markryden.com. You can read more of my interviews by visiting the following page-- www.myartspace.com/interviews. Thanks again to Alix Sloan!
Take care, Stay true,
Brian Sherwin
I've long been a fan of Ryden. I enjoy the surreal-realism, the quality of the images, and the narratives. Cheers.
While Ryden's work can be disturbing, it contains a creative freedom that liberates the viewer. I am always fascinated to see how my children (4 and 7) react to his work. It is usually with a dropped jaw followed by delighted laughter as if they are being allowed to witness something forbidden that nonethless resonates for them just as it does for me. Thanks for the interview!
Sir Ryden is not a surrealist, sir Ryden is a stingy
Le duc de Trèfle
(The duke of Clubs)
He has a raw softness that just captures you. He is truly a master!
thats really interesting about watching a child observe his work.
anyways, i love ryden. your art is rad!
Great post! Mark Ryden was the first pop surrealist artist I 'discovered' - it was such a thrill to finally find a style of art that spoke to me. Thanks for posting this interview. xxx scarlett
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