Jonathan David Brilliant describes himself as a Southern Has-been and a British Wanna-Be. He was born in 1976 in Charleston, South Carolina. Brilliant holds a B.A. in studio art from the College of Charleston and an M.F.A. in Spatial arts from San Jose State University.In addition to site specific installations, Brilliant works in video, photography, digital imaging and googles himself regularly. He currently lives and works in South Carolina with his wife Brooke and their cat Zero. To read an interview with Jonathan, click HERE.

Beatrix Reinhardt was born in Wolgograd/Russia and grew up in former East Germany. Presently she resides in NYC where she teaches at the College of Staten Island/CUNY. She received her M.F.A. in photography from Illinois State University, her M.A. in Media Studies from the New School for Social Research and her B.A. in New German Literature (minors: linguistics and psychology) from the Freie Universit't Berlin. She has taught widely in Europe, North America, Australia and Asia. Reinhardt's work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. To read an interview with Beatrix, click HERE.

Douglas Ljungkvist was born in Gothenburg, Sweden. Mr Ljungkvist was a former advertising executive who decided to leave his corporate career to become an artist. Douglas describes himself... "I am a self-taught Brooklyn based photographer, originally from Sweden. Photography for me is all about self expression. My goal is to capture images that leave the viewer with more questions than answers, inviting them to an interactive experience." To read an interview with Douglas, click HERE.
To observe a list of the three winners along with the 50 finalists visit the following page-- www.myartspace.com/miamibasel/winners/winners.html
Take care, Stay true,
Brian Sherwin
Senior Editor
Conceptualism, alive and well.
What happened to the painters?
Don't they count anymore?
I think the jurors made some decent selections. Believe it or not photography is hot in the art world right. That can be hard for painters to grasp.
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