If you are a Myartspace Blog regular you know that I sometimes write about controversial artists and their work. Thus, I could not let this one slide. Peter Fuss, an artist from Poland, has caused a stir with his large piece titled “Who Killed Barack Obama?”. The piece is currently on display as part of the Out of Sth project (www.outofsth.art.pl). Needless to say, many people are offended when viewing the piece and I’ve read that several bloggers have already lashed out at Fuss for having created it in the first place.
Peter Fuss has stated that “Who Killed Barack Obama?“ is not a visual attack against Obama. Fuss suggests that many people see Obama in the same way as Kennedy, Lincoln, M.L.King and Malcolm X were viewed before their tragic demise. Fuss added that the piece is about the “global thought of Obama's unavoidable death“. The piece is about the stereotype of impending doom that is cast over leaders who strive for radical change. So in a sense, the piece is a visual play on those fears regardless if they are warranted or not.
What do you think about “Who Killed Barack Obama?” and the intention behind the creation of the piece? Fuss has stated that the opinion expressed in “Who Killed Barack Obama?“ is no different than the views Hillary Clinton expressed over the same concern. What are your thoughts on this piece and the meshing of art and politics as a whole?
Take care, Stay true,
Brian Sherwin
I don't understand why anyone is getting upset over this. Artists have depicted Bush as dead since before Iraq and none of that has had any buzz. The message is that it is ok to depict Republican leaders as dead but don't dare do the same with Democrat leaders.
This is a powerful time for art and politics. Look at Shepard Fairey work that supports Obama. His posters and stamps have helped people to support Obama and his quest in this historic run for office. It is not like every artist supports Obama though. Look at the stink over that New Yorker cover.
Fuss must be wanting attention and it looks like he is going to get it. I don’t think art and politics mixes well but I do know that is a combination that has been with us since the dawn of civilization. It won’t go away. Do check out the Art and Politics Now blog.
Shepard Fairey, COUP, and other artists who have been pushing the Obama agenda are fat sell outs in my book. At least this Fuss guy has the courage to make a statement that is not positive. I think we are going to see more of this in the future. More artists making a profit off of politics. I don't blame them but some of them are really overzealous about what they have done while their wallet is getting fatter. At least BANKSY does not make any profit off of his prints.
We asked Peter Fuss about this a couple days ago, he has sent us a reply that we posted on our site:
Please feel free to check it out,
Thank you,
Sort of a side note here, but Anonymous, just so you know, Banksy does make a profit off his prints, his books and his gallery showings. As well he should.
Not from what I've read. His gallery makes a profit and his share is given to charity. All of it. His material and trip expenses are paid for but he does not profit financially. Artist who claim to be street artists should not profit at all. Steet art is not about making money so they should not cling to that media created label unless they live it. Fairey, COUP, and Fuss are doing some form of corporate street art if anything. They have every intention of making money off of what they create. There is nothing wrong with selling art but they should not sell out a philosophy in order to be hip. And with the whole artists supporting Obama thing I don't know why. The Democrats are more in favor of passing Orphan Works than the Republicans. The Democrats have also tried to ruin patent laws for US creators. They want to make the business of art into a socialist system that allows anyone to profit from the creative works that others have toiled over.
Hey, if I stand corrected, then I stand corrected. If what you say is true about Banksy giving away 100% of his share from his books, prints and private sales, then kudos to him.
I read about this on a Chicago news site. Why is it that if an artist makes a statement against a popular politician it is assumed that the person just wanted media attention. But if an artist makes postive images about a popular politician the me factor is ignored. I don't think the title is original because there is a clothing line with the same name. That is the only error I can see.
Art supporting a politician as a name and that name is propaganda.
Well I have to say that I have no problem with freedom of expression, and I understand what the artist was trying to achieve through painting it. My main problem with it is the pessimism that surrounds said topic. I would like to think altough it is highly doubtful considering recent news that we have moved forward in some small way. But as I said the artist is welcome to paint anything he desires, and I hope that when people see it they are reminded that this is a society that has a lot of progress and work to care more for our common man. Thanks for posting this I would have never known about this piece, it's very interesting.
It is a piece that fills me with sadness. I just hope it is not premonitory. It brings up to the surface those areas we prefer to keep hidden -- our system's very shadow. It conflates all past political assassinations, real and dreamt of.
It must also be Michelle Obama's nightmare.
Hopefully, it exorcises the possibility of such a drama.
it says he is from Poland, how long has he lived in the US? Anyone know?
The Website http://www.sportswearbymail.com sells Political Satire T-Shirts & Sportswear. They have a design called "Who Shot Obama?" that has a silhouette of what looks like Hillary Clinton, maybe it could be Sarah Palin. The silhouette has a question mark in the center of it and under it the saying "Who shot Obama?". They hav ea few other equally offencive designs.
I'm curious how much time is spent by the secret service determining if the act is malicious or not? On a whim that was acted on without a second thought, I started http://obama-death-pool.com In hind sight, probably not the smartest thing I've ever. probably not even in the top 10.
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