In his opinion, technology has given birth to a new form of painting. Thus, he has thrown the traditional brush and canvas aside in order to fully embrace digital painting.

Q. When did you first discover that art would be an important part of your adult life?
A. "In High school I use to sketch in class hour and be expelled for that reason several times."
Q. How has society influenced your art? Are there any social implications in your art?
A. "Directly. All the things that make me feel human or inhuman drive my inspiration."
Q. How has society influenced your art? Are there any social implications in your art?
A. "Directly. All the things that make me feel human or inhuman drive my inspiration."

Q. On average, how long does it take you to create a piece?
A. "In art, time is insignificant. Some times it takes me an eternity to finish a work, inside my head and just a few hours to complete it. Some other times, an artwork never ends and that’s the most common situation in art."
Q. Can you share some of your philosophy about art and artistic creation?
A. "Man’s logic and senses, just as doubting Thomas, have to put their finger on the nail marks in order to determine what is what and eventually accept it as something substantial and consider it a fact. Art, like Maria Magdalene does not need Euclidean 3 dimension indentions in order to comprehend the universe. It recognizes the desirable as a granted continuity of space and time, not in blind faith, but because it conceives that the comprehension of the unfeasible is the true meaning of life."

Q.Where can we see more of your art?
A. "For the time being only on-line. I have a web site at: http://www.naikos.gr/ . I also several sites on other on-line galleries as: and off course on myartspace.com (http://www.myartspace.com/ ) ."
Q. What was your most important exhibition? Care to share that experience?
A. "I hope my first one, next month in My Home town Argostoli – Kefalonia island, Greece."
Q. Do you have any 'studio rituals'? As in, do you listen to certain types of music while working? What helps to get you in the mood for working?
A. "No, all I need is a click inside my head and life is very generous on that."

Q. If you could pinpoint the characteristics of people who collect your art, what would they be?
A. "People beyond stereotypes of all kinds…"
Q. Discuss one of your pieces. What were you thinking when you created it?
A. "I’m an artist, artists hate to talk about their creations."
Q. Do you have a degree or do you plan to attend school for art? If so, how did it help you as an artist? What can you tell us about the art department that you attended?
A. "I’m self-taught, no diplomas, no teachers. I’ll stick to that."

Q. Why did you choose the medium(s) that you use?
A. "From the Neanderthal man, who expressed his awe for the world by blowing colour round his hand on cavern walls... to the GRAFFITI on the walls of modern metropolises which colours the rage and the contempt of the 20th century teenagers... The canvas and the tools of art were always an unconventional way to honour what made us stand on our two feet and look up ahead...
My work is made exclusively with the use of digital technology, which has been accused that wrecks and manipulates the human spirit... Because the meaning of art is... emotion and the journey."
Q. Are you represented by a gallery? Do you have any upcoming exhibits?
A. "No for the time being. Yes, next month in My Home town Argostoli – Kefalonia Island, Greece."

Q. What was the toughest point in your career as an artist? Have you ever hit rock-bottom?
A. "When I decide that my work is time to be presented to the public. I sent my work to one of the greatest Greek painters and asked him what to do with it. Mr M…. (I prefer not to mention his name for several reasons) called me and told me that I must go public… That telephone call was the beginning of my carrier as an artist."
Q. In one sentence... why do you create art?
A. "For the emotion and the journey."
Q. What can you tell our readers about the art scene in your area?
A. "Not much, the art scene on my island is poor."
Q. In one sentence... why do you create art?
A. "For the emotion and the journey."
Q. What can you tell our readers about the art scene in your area?
A. "Not much, the art scene on my island is poor."

Q. Has politics ever entered your art?
A. "Always, life is political, art is political."
Q. Does religion, faith, or the lack thereof play a part in your art?
A. "All human issues play part in my life and therefore in my art."
Q. Is there anything else you would like to say about your art or the 'art world'?
A. "Be patient… great things are coming…"
I hope that you have enjoyed my interview with Naikos. Feel free to critique or discuss his work.
Take care, Stay true,
Brian Sherwin
Powerful images ! I love art that speaks and can be felt.
The work is stong... Colors.. expressiveness of subjects and brush..
I am a collector and am intersted in where I can get this work. Plesae email me (I am scrambling email addr so spammers dont sample it off this page, you should be able to figure it out as the at is a$t ) jimgeq a$t yahoo d0t com
Peace- Jim
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