I recently interviewed Steven Krul about his gallery. Steven is the curator of the Frame Fatale Gallery. The Frame Fatale is a relatively new gallery. It has yet to establish a large base of exhibiting artists. Feel free to contact Mr. Krul if you are interested in exhibiting.
Q. You are the curator of the gallery. Can you tell our readers a little about yourself?
A. "I came to Los Angeles from Rhode Island back in 1996. After finishing film school I started shooting still photography while working office jobs in film/tv production. I opened up a shooting space called Studio 102 where I shared the space with other like minded, budgeted photographers. The space didn’t really work well as a gallery, so I set out to find a bigger, multi-use space that we could use to promote our work and the work of other artists. In January 2006 I found what is now the Frame Fatale Gallery at the Seeley Building in Glendale, CA."
Q. Are you an artist as well?
A. "I’m a photographer."

Q. Have you had past experience as a gallery curator?
A. "Not until fairly recently."
Q. What is your gallery 'about'? What kind of artists do you represent?
A. "The gallery is mainly here to support local up and coming artists, while also exhibiting established artists as well. As of now, Frame Fatale is not representing artists. It’s basically here to provide space and support to artists of pretty much any medium."
Q.What is the 'art scene' like in your area?
A. "Los Angeles has a pretty diverse art scene. There are styles from all over the world. From main stream to outrageous its all here. For some up and coming artists "the art scene" can be inaccessible and cliquey if that’s a word. We’re trying to make the scene more accessible to artists that might otherwise be overlooked or keep themselves under the radar…"

Q. Has the market been good for the artists who have exhibited at your gallery?
A. "It’s been great thus far for most of the artists we’ve shown."
Q. Do you have any links to the websites of the artists that have exhibited at your gallery?
A. "Cyndee Arroyo: www.13thhourstudios.com
Jhoneil Centeno: www.jhoneil.net
Chuck Hodi : www.chuckhodi.net
Steven Krul : www.skrulphoto.com "
Q. How often do you have exhibits?
A. "No set time period right now. Eventually we’d like to do monthly exhibits."
Q. What is your gallery address? How can artists and art lovers contact you?
A. "Frame Fatale Gallery
1800 S. Brand Blvd.
Suite 303
Glendale, CA 91204

Q. Do you have a website for the gallery?
A. www.framefatale.com
Q. In your opinion, what makes an art gallery a success?
A. "I feel a successful gallery stimulates the artists it shows as well as the local community creatively and economically."
I hope you have enjoyed learning more abou the Frame Fatale Gallery. Please email Mr. Krul for further information.
Take care, Stay True,
Brian Sherwin
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