A. "I have always had an important relationship with arts. Since I was a child I have lived surrounded by paintings that my mother used to create. It has always been my dream, but it came true when I won the Philips Art’s contest for young talents in 2001. The prize gave me strength to believe in the artistic potential of my work."
Q. How has society influenced your art? Are their any social implications in your art?
A. "Society in general always influences an artist. I have always enjoyed observing people and the environment as characters. Very often I impress social interests in my works, because they are over there and cannot be ignored. But I do not treat the personal and existential problems with less interest or attention, what can be perceived in a lot of my works."
Q. What are your artistic influences? Has anyone inspired you?
A. "My mother has inspired me a lot since I was a child. As I went growing old, I started searching for my own range of artists. I am enthusiastic about the Futurism and Renaissance. Those were two ages that have always impressed me."

A. "When I was a child I left São Paulo City in order to live inland. I had wonderful experiences in direct contact with nature. When I went back to the city in order to attend college I had a very big impact. That has influenced a lot the work I started developing since then.Living in Brazil is to know realities completely discordant of yours all the time. The function of my work ends up being to put the differences outward without prejudices and question them."
Q. If you could pinpoint the characteristics of people who collect your art, what would they be?
A. "I hope they are people who believe that art can help to build a better world to live in."
Q. Do you have an upcoming exhibit? If so, where and when?
A. "At first not, but I accept invitations."
Q. If you could pinpoint the characteristics of people who collect your art, what would they be?
A. "I hope they are people who believe that art can help to build a better world to live in."
Q. Do you have an upcoming exhibit? If so, where and when?
A. "At first not, but I accept invitations."
Q. Where do you see your art in 10 years? What are your plans?
A. "My plans for my artistic career are to be able to integrate graphic animation once and for all as main media of my works. I have been working little by little, and I have already obtained good results in the past 2 years. I have always been enthusiastic about technology. I have always been investing in Computer Graphics. I do not imagine another type of media that is more favorable to my work than the digital media."
Q. Discuss one of your pieces. What were you thinking when you created it?
A. "When I created that image I thought about the suffering children lived in a postwar territory. Which those children's acceptance limits were, which the motivation to continue living was and up to where human being is capable to accept such brutality exhibition in the media or in the entertainment area. I think it is the synthesis of what the media market is capable to produce in human beings; a public acceptance of violence."
Q. What is your artistic process?
A. "My creation process never follows a very linear reasoning. I usually try to draw a lot and observe my creation with critical look. Then I change to the digital process, either in a 3D or 2D software, depending on my objective."
Q. Why did you choose the medium(s) that you use?
A. "Mainly due to the practicality and reply promptitude that computer can offer. I remember when I bought my first digital camera and used to take photos of everything I saw. As the reply is fast, you train your photographic look with a much higher speed than you did in the past. The same happens with illustration and animation. The experimentation field is immeasurable."
Q. Do you have a degree or do you plan to attend school for art?
A. "I am graduated in social communication in Brazil by Universidade Católica de São Paulo, but I am going to take a post graduation course in Computer Graphics."
A. "My plans for my artistic career are to be able to integrate graphic animation once and for all as main media of my works. I have been working little by little, and I have already obtained good results in the past 2 years. I have always been enthusiastic about technology. I have always been investing in Computer Graphics. I do not imagine another type of media that is more favorable to my work than the digital media."

A. "When I created that image I thought about the suffering children lived in a postwar territory. Which those children's acceptance limits were, which the motivation to continue living was and up to where human being is capable to accept such brutality exhibition in the media or in the entertainment area. I think it is the synthesis of what the media market is capable to produce in human beings; a public acceptance of violence."
Q. What is your artistic process?
A. "My creation process never follows a very linear reasoning. I usually try to draw a lot and observe my creation with critical look. Then I change to the digital process, either in a 3D or 2D software, depending on my objective."

A. "Mainly due to the practicality and reply promptitude that computer can offer. I remember when I bought my first digital camera and used to take photos of everything I saw. As the reply is fast, you train your photographic look with a much higher speed than you did in the past. The same happens with illustration and animation. The experimentation field is immeasurable."
Q. Do you have a degree or do you plan to attend school for art?
A. "I am graduated in social communication in Brazil by Universidade Católica de São Paulo, but I am going to take a post graduation course in Computer Graphics."

A. "In my website http://www.renatokg.com/"
Q. Are you represented by a gallery? If not, do you want to be?
A. "No, but it is a subject that I am opened to discuss."
Q. Why do you create art?
A. "Because I believe that art is capable to build up a better world."

A. "You can look for Renatokg than you will find me."
I hope you have enjoyed this interview with artist Renato Klieger Gennari. Critiques are welcome.
Take care, Stay true,
Brian Sherwin
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